I am always excited to introduce the linoleum print block carving method of printmaking to those who love to create!  It is fun,P1000727 P1000729user friendly and empowering!

It does not rely on a printing press, costly supplies or chemicals, yet it gives you a deeply satisfying resource to use over and over again in your mixed media art!

“Your Personal Image” Block Carving and Printing (Using a “Soft Kut ” Block for easier carving)

Here’s How it Works:

  • Bring personal images (images that you are attracted to, are disturbing or that elicit any body sensation).
  • These will be incorporated with more images during a guided “Intuitive Collage.”
  • With a view finder, identify part of the collage P1000734to simplify and transfer the image to a print block.
  • Carve the image into the block
  • Print!

November 8th 

10:00am -4:00pm

$95  All supplies provided/Bring personal images

Class Limit  8-12

The Art Center; an inclusive community art space

This is the first series of The Art Center’s classes with its grand opening this fall!