Yesterday I was setting up the labyrinth for our Autumn Labyrinth Walk.  I wondered if it would even be dark enough to turn the lights on.

By 6:30pm the hot October sun had gone down.  We didn’t even need a hat for shade. The twinkle lights were on, a soft breeze brought cool air and then… the owls started hooting.  Not just one, when Tess came down the path to the labyrinth she reported that there were at least four!  Violet said they looked like an owl family, maybe teaching their teenagers to fly.

Last night we began our walk with an intention and we each offered a movement that gave the feeling sense of our intention.  We walked with each other, the cool breeze, the owls and the intentions that we set for the rest of our fall season.  Dusk turned into deep darkness and the twinkle lights showed us the way.

We all walked up to the studio to seal in our intentions for the season by journaling and  creating a watercolor to take home.

Next walk is December 16. Join us!